The acceptance of violence against women and girls (VAWG) as normal contributes to an environment of impunity and serves as a serious barrier to all women and girls living a life free from violence. This lack of comprehensive legislation that upholds the rights of women and girls to live free of violence at the state level remains a serious obstacle to the enjoyment of their human rights and access to justice. The inability of key institutions responsible for ensuring the elimination of all forms of VAWG remains a difficult task to accomplish for so many reasons.
It’s on this basis that Alliances for Africa (AfA), a nongovernmental organization based in Owerri Imo State, is currently implementing a project tilted strengthening existing institutions towards the elimination of violence against women and girls in Imo state. The project is aimed at exposing all root causes of VAWG, advocate for the enactment and implementation of policies and laws which will ensure strategic programmes and evidence generation around #Endviolenceagainstwomen. It will work closely with key institutions by providing capacity building and establishment of a coordinated approach with the legislators in the state. In midst of this, we also believe that community sensitization and awareness mobilization through an effective messaging, information, and communication backed with visual, music, jingles and video documentary which recognizes their values and system through the social media communities will propel attitudinal changes; conscious reawakening and re-thinking and possibly change in community by-laws that will contribute towards #Endviolenceagainstwomen.
As follow up to this we are now looking to develop contents for social and mainstream media engagement; video documentary, jingles, and other information tools that will contribute to the goal of the project which is #Endviolenceagainstwomen through enforcement and implementation of laws by an improved and strengthened institutions in Imo State. If you have what it takes to be part of this mission, please click the link provided below based on the categories stated.
Submissions must be received no later than 15 May 2020
- Category 1: AfA-2933-001: Consultant for Video Documentary (Scripting, Directing, Production, etc) of International Standard Video Documentary FOR DETAILS ON MODE OF APPLICATION, PLEASE CLICK HERE
- Category 2: AfA-2933-002: Media Consultant to develop content for social and mainstream media engagement FOR DETAILS ON MODE OF APPLICATION, PLEASE CLICK HERE
- Category 3: AfA-2933-003: Consultant to develop Radio Jingle (Scripting, Content, Voicing, and Translations) FOR DETAILS ON MODE OF APPLICATION, PLEASE CLICK HERE