ISCEVAWG: 2021 First review meeting

2020 in all its glamour, came with restriction of movement at different levels like never before which resulted in an unimaginable rise in the number of violent cases against women and girls as they were left with no other option than to be stuck with their predators.

At the Imo State Committee on Ending Violence Against Women and Girls (ISCEVAWG) review meeting held on the 27th of January, the committee analysed the positive impacts of their activities throughout the course of last year which cut across advocacies, road walks, etc, while also looking at things they could do better in the year in view gearing from advocacies to road walks, meetings, and community outreaches.

From the review of last year, it was obvious that the work carried out through many advocacies organized by this committee and the numerous efforts put into the year 2020 was crowned by a move towards the passage of the VAPP (Violence Against Persons Prohibition) bill and currently, recommendations made by this committee has been added successfully to the bill.

In the quest for a better work year, the committee included some other groups which are also key to the progress of the work, and they are persons living with albinism and disability. One prominent decision reached during the meeting is that every member of the committee must come to terms with the fact that all ought to work as a team for a better year.


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First Quarterly Review Meeting of the Imo State Committee on Ending Violence Against Women and Girls on the status of the Violence Against Persons Prohibition bill

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