Threat to Justice anywhere is a threat to Justice everywhere.



AfA works to interface local, national, sub-regional and international initiatives on human rights, peace, and sustainable development, acting as a facilitator for the generation, and dissemination of information within the field pertinent to Africa.




AfA’s mission is to enhance and strengthen on a sustainable basis, local, national, sub-regional and international institutions in Africa, by being active in the monitoring, advancing, promoting and protection of human rights, peace, and sustainable development initiatives.

Our Stories

…Changing the narratives through activism.

Elizade University where it is a crime for pregnant women to study

Following the unguarded statement of the Vice Chancellor of…
Imo VAPP Law

Imo VAPP Law

The drive to domesticate the Violence Against Persons Prohibition…

Imo VAPP: After Assent, What to Expect?

Immediate Press Statement A joint statement issued by Alliances…

Minimum 35% Affirmative Action for Women in Political Leadership

#GenerationEquality Says no to Rape

Boys will always be boys

#Boys will be held accountable

#Teach boys to respect women

#Take Action against Inequality


Recent Events

  • Imo state committee on ending violence against women and girls (ISCEVAWG)
    • Quarterly Meeting to Review the Status of the Imo VAPP Bill and Strategies for Policy Success towards Ending Violence against Women and Girls in Imo State. 
  • Risk Mitigation Training
    • November 6th – 9th, 2022.
  • 16 Days of Activism
    • 25th November – 11th December
Orange The World, 16 Days of Activism Owerri, Nigeria, Alliances for Africa, United Nations, UNDP

Our Partners