Alliances for Africa Coordinates Second Quarterly Review Meeting for ISCEVAWG
Alliances for Africa, has coordinated her second quarterly review…

AfA Holds Public hearing on Implementation of VAPP Law in Imo
As a mechanism to promote knowledge and demand for the implementation…

AfA Conducts Virtual and Residential Capacity Building Training with South East Community of Practice on Reporting Mass Atrocities
In September 2022, AfA conducted a virtual training for select…

Alliances for Africa Reaches Women Groups across Communities in Imo State
With support from the United Nations Trust Fund, AfA commenced…

Two-day workshop for CODMAP Members to Improve Knowledge of the Maputo Protocol in Nigeria
With support from Equality Now and SOAWR, Alliances for Africa…

AfA Concludes Implementation of IPAS Project in Imo State, Nigeria
Alliances for Africa with support from of IPAS has concluded…

UNTF 2022 School Sensitization Commences
We have commenced the next phase of the schools’ sensitization…

Training with litigation Committee on Improving access to Justice for Women in Imo state
With support from the Open Society Foundation (OSF), AfA facilitated…

Imo Prosecutes First Case using the VAPP Law!
On the 24th of May, 2022, the Imo State Committee on Ending…

AfA collaborates with NAWOJ on International Menstrual Hygiene Day
Recently, AfA collaborated with the National Association of…