Call out for software developers

Call out for software developers

Call out for software developers

ABOUT AFA: Alliances for Africa (AfA)’s mission is to enhance and strengthen on a sustainable basis, local, national, sub-regional and international institutions in Africa, by being active in the monitoring, advancing, promoting and protection of human rights, peace and sustainable development initiatives. …>> Read More


The acceptance of violence against women and girls (VAWG) as normal contributes to an environment of impunity and serves as a serious barrier to all women and girls living a life free from violence. This lack of comprehensive legislation that upholds the rights of women and girls to live free of violence at the state level remains a serious obstacle to the enjoyment of their human rights and access to justice. The inability of key institutions responsible for ensuring the elimination of all forms of VAWG remains a difficult task to accomplish for so many reasons.

It’s on this basis that Alliances for Africa (AfA), a nongovernmental organization based in Owerri Imo State, is currently implementing a project funded by the United Nations Trust Fund (UNTF) on Ending Violence Against Women and Girls (EVAWG) The project is aimed at improving women and girls access to essential services through the enactment of Violence Against Persons Prohibition (VAPP) Act and exposing all root causes of VAWG, advocate for the enactment and implementation of policies and laws which will ensure strategic programmes and evidence generation around ending  violence against women and girls. It will work closely with key institutions by providing capacity building and establishment of a coordinated approach with the legislators in the state. In midst of this, we also believe that that a coordinated approach in recording, documenting, and processing cases of Violence against Women and Girls and all other forms of Violence against persons will propel attitudinal changes; conscious reawakening and re-thinking and possibly change in community by-laws that will contribute towards #Endviolenceagainstwomen and in general, provide support in the implementation of the Violence Against Persons Prohibition Act (VAPP).

As follow up to this, we are now looking to develop a web-based application/software to document, record and tools that will contribute to the goal of the project which is #Endviolenceagainstwomen and ‘Naming and Shaming’ through enforcement and implementation of laws by an improved and strengthened institutions in Imo State. If you have what it takes to be part of this mission, please submit an application proposal to or

Submissions must be received no later than October 15, 2020

  1. The overall objective of the assignment

The overall objective of the assignment is to create a software database/web application where cases of VAWG can be recorded, documented and if legally convicted, published for public viewing. This software/web application would a viable tool in documenting cases of violence against women and girls. The database is to serve as a platform to ‘name and shame’. This is part of our bid to combat incidences of VAWG and thus, put a leash on perpetrators who’ve leveraged on the disorganization of the system to continue the cycle of their heinous activities. This is not only an accountability tool but a tool to ‘Name and Shame.

  • Specific tasks and deliverables for the Consultancy firm

Under the direct supervision of the Programmes Manager, the ministry of Gender and Vulnerable groups, and every responsible party as specified by Alliances for, the Consultant will be required to;

  • Develop a user-friendly web-based application/software; the consultant would hold in utmost priority; User experience (UX) and a User Interface (UI) most friendly in the development of the project.
  • The UX/UI would be tabled to AfA for review and approval.
  • The consultant would use flowcharts to effectively communicate the entire process and functionality of the project to AfA
  • Submission of an execution plan
  • Carry out interviews using questionnaires and any other effective tool, to decipher in essence, what the project entails.
  • Develop a software/web-based application using advanced and secure frameworks such as Laravel.
  • Develop an application software comprising of; Service providers dashboard, Dashboard for; Police, Ministry of Gender and Vulnerable Groups, Ministry of Justice, Customer-side application.
  • Develop the customer application in such a way that, published cases of convicted felonies are easily accessible by the public; Ajax loading should be employed if possible.
  • Develop the software employing standard security protocols such as JWT Authentication, CSRF Protection, Cross Site Scripting (XSS) Protection, SQL Injection Protection, Secure Bcrypt Password Hashing
  • Develop an offline based software which can be used in the absence of the internet and can be synced when the internet comes back on.
  • Develop the project using only an up-to-date version of frameworks. No older than version 7.0 PHP should be used for this project.
  • The Dashboards interface must be built using a high level of security protocols.
  • Develop an internal communication process between the administrators which includes; anybody with administrative privileges; AfA, responsible Ministries and service providers.
  • Develop a database to check for conflict of data documentation; to ensure uniformity at all times.
  • Secure login and onboarding process for both, service providers, Ministries and others afore-mentioned.
  • Provide testing for all interfaces aforementioned.
  • The project must be hosted on adequate cloud servers, it should take into considerations; Bandwidth, I/O, CPU and other processing abilities appropriate for the project.
  • Securely deploy project after completion
  • Create documentation; online and offline for use of the platform
  • Conduct training for; Service providers, Ministries and the public.
  • Provide no less than 6 months support to the project from launch date.

5.       Required Qualifications and Experience of the Consultancy Firm

The consultancy firm will be required to have;

  • Minimum of 5 years of experience working in a similar field.
  • Proven practical experience using proposed frameworks and scripting/programming languages for the project.
  • Provide credentials of team members who would be working on the project; with similar experience.
  • Provide a working portfolio of similar projects carried out in the past.
  • Practical knowledge of MYSQL, SQL, Apache, PHP, JavaScript, CSS, jQuery, Bootstrap, Ajax, Hashing, SSL injection, Cybersecurity protocols. Knowledge of Django Framework is an added advantage.
  • Knowledge of development work is an added advantage

6.       Duration of the Assignment

The assignment is expected to take place for 60 working days from the date of signing the contract.

7.       Intellectual Property

All information about this project (codes, algorithms, APIs, scripts, framework, etc.) belonging to the client, which the Consultancy firm may come into contact within the performance of his/her, duties under this consultancy shall remain the property of the Client who shall have exclusive rights over their use. Except for purposes of this assignment, the information shall not be disclosed to the public nor used in whatever without written permission of the Client in line with the national and International Copyright Laws applicable.

8        Contractual arrangements and supervision

The Consultancy firm will be hired under AfA’s terms of the contract and supervised by the Programmes Manager, the ministry of Gender and Vulnerable groups, and every responsible party as specified by Alliances for Africa, within the agreed time frame.

The Consultancy firm will be required to liaise and keep the Supervision bodies posted on ongoing activities.

The Consultancy firm will be required to maintain the client’s visual identity; this includes colour schemes, iconography, and other brand identities

Alliances for Africa (AfA) as the Client shall provide the necessary support to the Consultancy firm to execute the assignment during the duration of the consultancy. These shall include:

  1. Access to relevant project documents necessary for the execution of the duties under this consultancy;

9        Remuneration

  • The Consultancy firm’s payment shall be based on the financial proposal developed for this consultancy.
  • Payment shall be made in three instalments of;
  • 20% down payment upon submission of an inception report acceptable to the client (WV)
  •  40% upon submission of an acceptable draft documentary; and
  • 40% final payment upon submission of the final outputs, incorporating suggestions and recommendations from AfA

10      Application Procedure

Applicants are required to submit the following:

  • A Technical Proposal: Letter of Interest, stating why you consider your firm suitable for the assignment;
  • Brief methodology on the approach and implementation of the assignment;
  • Personal CVs of technical personnel proposed for this project highlighting qualifications and experience in similar projects; and
  • Work references – contact details (e-mail addresses) of referees (firms for whom you’ve produced similar assignments).
  • Financial proposal indicating consultancy fee and a breakdown of expenses (unit price together with any other expenses) related to the assignment.
  • The proposals must be submitted in separate sealed envelopes (the technical proposal in one envelope and the financial proposal in another envelope) but both envelopes placed in one large envelope.
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