Call out for a Consultant Design

Call out for a Consultant to assist a coalition of civil society organizations in Nigeria toward the preparation and submission of a shadow /alternative report on Nigeria to the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights (ACHPR), in April 2022.

  • BACKGROUND OF THE CONSULTANCY: Alliances for Africa (AfA) is an international African led feminist non-governmental human right, peace and sustainable development organization created to enhance and reconstruct the interface of human rights and development, with a vision to contribute innovatively to the task of tackling causes of endemic poverty and exclusion in Africa. In line with its mission of holding governments accountable to their human rights obligations AfA is seeking a Consultant to assist a coalition of civil society organizations in Nigeria toward the preparation and submission of a shadow /alternative report on Nigeria to the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights (ACHPR), in April 2022.

  • The overall objective of the assignment: The overall objective of the assignment is to prepare and submit a shadow/alternative report on Nigeria to the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights (ACHPR), in April 2022.
  • Duration of the Assignment: 18th January – 24th March 2022
  • Specific tasks and deliverables for the Consultant:

The Consultant will be required to;

  1. Facilitate the first consultative meeting in Abuja for 20 CSO across the geo-political zones in Nigeria, and online consultation using google forms;
  2. Facilitate a 3-day consultative workshop towards the development of the report. The first day’s agenda will involve refresher sessions on the Maputo Protocol and the CSO reporting process. While the second and third days will be dedicated towards the development of the CSO report, including: (a). the development of an action plan/ road map for the process with clear, defined timelines; (b). the data collection tools and process (c). identification of and consensus on the themes and issues to be covered in the report;
  3. Consultant to support the coordination of CSOs input on the different thematic areas of the reports (February 2022);
  4. Consultant to develop the CSO report, first report is due in 25th February 2022;
  5. Consultant to participate the conveying of a one-day validation workshop and coordinate CSOs input during the validation process in person engagement (March 2022).
  6. Consultant to Submit the finalized validated report by March 24th 2022.
  • Intellectual Property: All information about this project (codes, data, reports, framework, etc.) belonging to the client, which the Consultant may come into contact within the performance of his/her, duties under this consultancy shall remain the property of the Client who shall have exclusive rights over their use. Except for purposes of this assignment, the information shall not be disclosed to the public nor used in whatever without written permission of the Client in line with the national and International Copyright Laws applicable.
  • Contractual Arrangements and Supervision: The Consultant will be hired under AfA’s terms of reference and supervised by the Programmes Manager and every responsible party as specified by Alliances for Africa, within the agreed time frame. The Consultant will be required to liaise and keep the Supervision bodies updated on ongoing activities.Alliances for Africa (AfA) as the Client shall provide the necessary support to the Consultant to execute the assignment during the duration of the consultancy.
  • Remuneration: The Consultancy payment shall be based on the financial proposal developed for this consultancy and in local currency Nigerian Naira.

Payment shall be made in two instalments of;

  • 60% down payment upon submission of an approval and signing of agreement.
  • 40% final payment upon submission of the final and validated report. 

Application Procedure: Applicants are required to submit the following:

  • A Technical Proposal: expression of interest, stating why you are suitable for the assignment not more than 2 pages.
  • Writing sample of recent work with links. 
  • Personal CVs of technical personnel proposed for this project highlighting qualifications and experience in similar projects. 
  • Work references: 2 referees with contact details (e-mail addresses) of referees (firms for whom you’ve produced similar assignments).
  • Virtual submissions: Kindly submit all relevant documents in PDF format to with a copy to

Submissions must be received no later than January 12th 2022. All submissions should be made via with a copy to

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