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Mass Atrocity Documentation in 5 South Eastern States (Media Files)

Mass Atrocity Documentation in 5 South Eastern States (Media Files) Project Title: Documentation as an important Mechanism to ensuring Accountability of Mass Atrocities in South Eastern Nigeria. Overall Objective of Project: To develop an effective mechanism for documenting atrocities that occur in vulnerable communities and provide support used for demanding accountability. Project Details: The project […]

Report: Capacity Training on policy engagement skills and strategies as promoters and advocates of anti-corruption and accountability. MacArthur Project

Introduction: Alliances for Africa (AfA) organized a capacity training on February 7-8, 2019 on policy engagement skills and strategies as advocates and promoters of anti-corruption and accountability. The capacity training took place in San Diego Hotel Abakiliki, Ebonyi state, and had 60 participants in attendance. The residential capacity training brought together, civil society organization, faith […]

Turning Walls into Bridges

Turning Walls into Bridges 2018 was a remarkable year to increase advocacy towards the full implementation of 35% affirmation action. Thanks to the United Nations Funds for Gender Equality which supported activities advocating the full implementation of 35% affirmative action from 2016 through 2019 in South East Nigeria. Alliances for Africa team remained active in […]

December Newsletter

Despite this effort from decades ago, the representation of women in both elective and appointive positions is very low as women are usually marginalized in terms of participating in the process of political leadership and decision making. Download December Newsletter PDF to know more…


  GENDER (WOMEN) AND THE ENVIRONMENT   GENDER (WOMEN) AND THE ENVIRONMENT  nvironment is one word that has become very popular in the past decade due to the undesirable effect of climate change. What comes to mind when we hear the word environment is our surroundings, trees, water, air, the animals around us and a […]

September Newsletter (PDF)

September Newsletter (PDF) Cultural Barrier among other factors continues to perpetuate the low representation of women in leadership at national, state and local levels in Nigeria. Working experience with women and traditional rulers at the community level in the southeast shows that four (4) out of the five (5) southeastern states have a cultural or […]

The August Meeting

THE AUGUST MEETING The Aba Women’s Riot was a story I heard while growing up but did not pay much attention to. I was oblivious of the impact it made in the lives of women in the eastern part of Nigeria until I relived history in the play titled “The August Meeting”. The play which […]