Partners West Africa

PWAN, Partners Global, USAID Holds 2-Day In-Country Resiliency Plus Event

Partners for West Africa -Nigeria in collaboration with Partners global, and the United States Agency for International Development, USAID, organized a two-day in-country resiliency plus event to share experiences on the impact of the process and lessons learnt.

The resiliency+ process was a great opportunity and an inspiring learning experience for Alliances for Africa.

One of the most essential components of any successful organization is her ability to build institutional resilience.

Owing to the present times, and ladened with uncertainties that threaten to clamp down on our freedom and civic spaces, establishing resiliency can be likened to having a sixth sense which provides a great advantage for organizations to recognize, analyze and respond to issues and situations in the best way.

Recognizing this, Alliances for Africa (AfA) with support from the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), Internews, Partners Global, International Center for Not-for-Profit Law (ICNL), Results for Development (R4D) DevLab@Duke, CIVICUS, and the Zinc Network under the Resiliency+ process implemented series of activities that were grouped under four key priority areas; Crisis communication, Adopting new communication technologies, Contingency planning, Staff wellbeing, Readiness and System Awareness.

The two-day, in-country event also brought to an end, the process for cohort 1; Alliances for Africa (AfA), Women Empowerment Program (WEP) Youth Alive Foundation (YAF) and charted the way forward for the Cohort 2; Community Life Project (CLP), Empowering Women for Excellence Initiative (EWEi) and Justice Development Peacemakers Centre (JDPC).

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