Call for application

About AfA:
Alliances for Africa (AfA) is a pan-African, non- profit, feminist-led, human rights, peace and sustainable development organization, that has identified and agreed to increase her organizational resilience to changes in the civic space and sudden development to its operating environment.
As an organisation, we recognize that times are changing and becoming more challenging as we advance. We operate in a dynamic economic, political, technological, and institutional environment that requires steady modification and flexibility to how we respond to society using varying strategies as we seek to shape it.
In light of this, the need for a robust risk management plan becomes desirable to assist AfA, establish procedures to identify and avoid potential risks, minimize their impact should they occur, strengthening of institutional systems for more effective management and mitigation of the impacts of risks, cope with the results. This ability to understand and control risks will firm up our organization to respond effectively to contingencies and emerging trends while maintaining relevance.
Submissions must be received no later than March 31st, March 2023. All submissions should be made via copy to
- The overall objectives:
The assignment’s overall objective is to conduct internal and external risks assessments and analysis.
- To prepare AfA for future high-risk situations by developing a comprehensive risk mitigation policy for AfA’s adoption and enforcement;
- To improve capacity of staff members in risk identification and mitigation approaches.
- Specific tasks and deliverables for the Consultant
Under the direct supervision of the Programs Manager and the Executive Director, the Consultant will be required to;
- Conduct both internal and external risk assessment/analysis on different aspects of the institution, such as project management, systems/operations, risk identification, managing risks, risk appetite, using relevant matrices and tools to provide evidence on potential risks.
- Utilize findings from assessment to develop Alliances for Africa’s risk mitigation Policy which is to guide and provide the framework for the organization and its staff to take on board, identify risks, emerging issues, monitor potential risks and boost staff capacity to understand the context within which they are working.
Submission of applications are therefore welcomed and should include technical proposals that details an execution plan which should demonstrate clarity and efficiency in the delivery of this assignment with clear outcomes within a timeframe of two weeks from the date of agreement. The execution plan should include method of data collection, responsible parties and a proposed budget for execution.
3. Required Qualifications and Experience of the Consultancy Firm
The consultant must possess;
- A first degree in faculty Humanities or Social Sciences. However, a post graduate degree is desirable.
- Proven practical experience in risk analysis and or policy work in development or relevant field.
- Minimum of 5 years of experience working in development sector or any other relevant field;
- Provide credentials of team members who would be working on the project; with similar experience.
- Provide a working portfolio of similar projects carried out in the past.
4. Duration of the Assignment
The assignment is expected to take place 20 working days from the date of signing the contract.
5. Intellectual Property
All information about this project (codes, data, reports, framework, etc.) belonging to the client, which the Consultant may come into contact within the performance of his/her, duties under this consultancy shall remain the property of the Client who shall have exclusive rights over their use. Except for purposes of this assignment, the information shall not be disclosed to the public nor used in whatever without written permission of the Client in line with the national and International Copyright Laws applicable.
6. Contractual arrangements and supervision
The Consultant will be hired under AfA’s Terms of Reference (ToR) and supervised by the Programs Manager and every responsible party as specified by Alliances for Africa, within the agreed time frame.
The Consultant will be required to liaise and keep the Supervision bodies updated on ongoing activities.
The Consultant will be required to maintain the client’s visual identity; this includes color schemes, iconography, and other brand identities.
Alliances for Africa as the Client shall provide the necessary support to the Consultant to execute the assignment during the duration of the consultancy. These shall include:
- Access to relevant project documents necessary for the execution of the duties under this consultancy;
7. Remuneration
The Consultant’s payment shall be based on the financial proposal developed for this consultancy.
Payment shall be made in three instalments, as follows:
- 30% down payment upon submission plan of action and signing of the agreement.
- 60% payment upon submission of 1st draft.
- 10% final payment upon submission of the final survey report incorporating suggestions and recommendations based on findings and from AfA.
8. Application Procedure
Applicants are required to submit the following:
- A cover letter stating why you are suitable for the consultancy linking your experiences to our objective needs – not more than two pages;
- A technical and financial proposal of not more than five pages maximum, which will include a brief methodology, approach, implementation of the consultancy, consultancy fee and a breakdown of expenses (unit price together with any other expenses related to the consultancy);
- Updated CV highlighting qualifications and experience in similar projects of not more than two pages;
- Work references – contact details (e-mail addresses) of referees (organisations for whom you’ve produced similar assignments);
- For virtual submissions, kindly submit using the emails provided above and send attaching all relevant documents in PDF format.